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Tuesday, September 29, 2009

29 Sep [LCCI Test Day]

Today I got a very large test, that is LCCI (London Chamber of Commerce and Industry),
Sound's cool uh ?
Before the LCCI exam begin,
I gossip lapsap with my classmates in assembly hall lol!
Feels like SPM had just finished only,
My friends was so hilarious,
Cause they making me damn high lol !
Totally not in the mood for taking LCCI test lol...
Other fellas at there looking their add maths reference book ...
In assembly hall just got 90 students got qualification for this test!
Because we are Account numerator haha ! *pride-ing*

Time is around 8am,
The teachers has came to the assembly hall for allocation of our aseats and
Gave us the question paper,
actually that is not a paper !
It's something like a thin books,
Inside the books all is the account question..
Include E01, 02, 03, 04 set ..
Everyone got their different question paper ~
I get 04 and 03 !
From 8.15am till 9.20am for my 04 question lol ~
Kinda fast huh ?
Fortunately, it's objective question,
if subjective question,
I cant imagine how much that I could finish it lol ! so Lucky !!!
After finished the first question paper,
We go for the recess...
I freaking blur at the moment ~
Since, I just awake from my dream!!!
My soul is haven't back~
In fact, I have no appetite,
It's too earlier for my breakfast weh !!!! lol
My stomach still in sleepy mood~

Approximately 9.45am,
We back to the assembly hall once against
For continue our LCCI test
Now cont my 03 question paper
I was shock ! lol, 03 is simple than 04
I count the money till half,
I fall asleep wth ?
I awaken abruptly at 10am lol ~
And I force to use my N2o speed to finish
Rush to finish itttttt,
Walao, seriously exhausted !
What to do ? Who called my eyelid was so heavy
Well well well, all in all this test not really difficult for me =)

When the ending ~!
The Invigilator tell us
They come from Kuala Lumpur O_O!!!
And our school is representative for the whole Penang High School in 2009 this year !!!!lol !!!
Pride Pride!!!!!
And appreciate us for Bekerjasama dengan mereka ~
And keep on advise us : do your best in SPM ~, Jumpa Lagi ~
I think we wont jumpa lagi la lol~
No need be so courtesy
But, don't know our school result can beat down which state lo
This is still a mystery,
Whatever la, I just know I had done my best in this test =D
Who care P or F...

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Why the weather is so ungrateful
I keep sweating in everywhere
Hot !!!!


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