Today I awaken at 730a.m, in other words I'm play truant for today's
I reach JPJ (Jabatan Pengangkutan Jalan Malaysia) place at 830am
When I reaches the JPJ place I can only use WOW to described
because there got more than 400 people for test today..
so they divided into Groups such as Sesi 1, Sesi 2, Sesi 3
and I sub-go to Sesi 3 arghhh (means sesi 3 is afternoon punya x.x....I suddenly WU YAN)
9am the motorbike test is start
930am the car test is start
1000am the god is suddenly gift us a heavy rain ~ thx so much ><||
all people is be intimidated (cause it is too sudden)
ok Motorbike is stopped but car punya test still continue
the sound of rain , is totally noisy
langsung cant hear that car punya engine sound DAMN
ok the rain is too heavy,
the examination fellow maybe cant see the irons clearly on the mirror
when they side parking most of them HIT the irons (tiang yang yang yang...that is the sounds)
1030am the god or sky is maybe tired, so the rain also SUDDENLY stopped lol!
then all the test is continues.....
1130am I'm hungry, my tummy keep klu klu klu =.= ....what to do ? I just can drink water
cause there foods is totally DIRTY too many flies wrapped around the food
eeeeee, feel yucks ~
Time to 1pm, and the test haven goes my turn...boring and tiring and that time
nothing to do , so I sms lo xD (is you ?)
but soon, the JPJ Officials said they want to go Sembahyang (friday) oh damn it ~
sembahyang ur PIGU >< ... ok we are really no ideas to Malay fellows zzzz
so we waste 1 hour 30 minutes for waiting they sembahyang..
230pm something they are back!!
we start nervous and tension back T_T
they start to call our name for got test....
cut cut cut cut cut....
330pm is my Turn He called :" Sesi 3 ~ nombor 31 siapa "??
I replay :" Me ~"
He say :" ok go jambatan there (means the road hill ?)
Then I in the number 2 car,
omg my head is keep perspire , cause hot + nervous = perspire T_T
when my turn to up that hill, I can handle it in excellent way
(Clutch + Stop + Handbrake....then put your hand and see the Handsome JPJ face ><)
after he shaking his hand call u go time "Pinjak minyak + slowly lelease your clutch then when you feel the acceleration is enough you can released your handbrake)
wow what the FORMULA ~
after complete the hill I drive to another side .... (Side Parking, 3 Turns)
the most easy job la..... after to do this all, I go there to take my bahagian A punya result
Passed all walao xD....
ok then I go pavilion for wait bahagian B ( not the shopping center Pavillion !!)(Bahagian B = Jalan Raya)
Ok the one of Indian JPJ be my tester, Kan Cheong ~.~
first go inside the car sure act patent ? ( setting the seat, Mirror , signal, lights and so on)
then he call me "Jalan" "Jalan A"..... woah~ no kan cheong ler...cause this road is EASY
while going outside I just can use Minyak 2 !!! Slow as turtle ><
then almost reaches a main road, push back to minyak 1
then accelerate hoho..... 80km/h ler minyak 4 when at the street ....
when I drive almost 85km/h , unfortunately infront of me got traffic lights T_T
so I slow my car..... then free gear + handbrake ...
when the traffic lights turn into Green lights ( wow, begin again my 80km/h )
cause that is highway, then he call me fast sikit, I say this road not 80km/h is the Max Speed)?
he says " nvm, just go ahead..." ok 100km/h , omg! I already can feels the car is damn light
macam flying xD...after 30 minutes I drive back to Pejabat JPJ...and he give me back the result
they tick :"LULUS" 17/20 wahhahahah I gotta crazy when I see this
cause before test damn toilsome,everydays have to go pratice 2 hour T_T
and the car pratice total just can 14 hour ..(means 7 times)
after 7 times car practice that means you have to go TEST ler xD
okokok I stop here, wish those of people haven got P punya +u ler WAHAHAHHAHA
Add on : WOW!!!! what a fine fine fine day for me...
I tell you the feeling of passing the test ah..
it was FANTASTIC!!!
cause you will be more appreciate the success you earned... =]
and I can drive camry ler ? wahahhahahahhaa
not bad...
next time fetch me...
can come to KL liao wo. not bad, not bad
kah yee : pls pay money to me terima kasih xD
ah M : yea~ go KL not problem ler wahahhahaha SHUANG~
wao congratz. come fetch me leh.haha!
yeng lor khai
Aries : fetch you and go sell to indian
Ray : thanks for the praise lol
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