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Thursday, January 6, 2011

6 January 2011 Sharing :)

Yes new year has just begun.. all the primary, secondary students are returned to their school as usual after two months long holidays. As a college student, I don't have the holiday due to my last semester break just past few weeks ago.
Alright.. I feel depressing, because of my final exam were around the corner and I just like spiritless while studying... WeW... Maybe I'm not in the mood ?! Whatever, need somebody to encourage me seriously.. an encouragement is very important for me.
These days in college actually is purposely for the discussion exam questions with the lecturer.. aww, some of the questions I know how to answer, some of the questions I really don't understand at all. Perhaps during an exam, the questions were appearing that I know to answer it. aza aza fighting

Yeh, I'm currently in semester 3. Meaning I got 4 more semester to go till I graduate.. I'm freaking happy while thinking all of these.. 4 more semester sound's like short moment? nah, try look by Year! I got 1 year 3 month more :((( It's blardy LONG ~~~~~~~~~~ I wish this year skip asap! I wan't to work, I wan't to buy a car....
I don't want to spend every single ringgit by parents! feel blush to take money from them :s

Well well well, I'm still in Kpop fever. I feel a little illusion of myself haha.. A bit like a girl who gets insane in entertainment.. Oh hey hey I'm not criticizing anyone here.. don't misunderstanding. Ah, just an illusion from my mind, forget it.
Before close this silly post! I would like to share a thing :P

My Princess @ 金泰熙 & 宋承宪

SEE? Trust me, if you loved to watch a drama. This is a highly recommended for you
If you do not like, please do not criticize me here, I'm just sharing with you :)


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